Island of Terror in Throne and Liberty

Navigating through the Island of Terror in Throne and Liberty presents a formidable challenge, replete with intricate mechanics demanding precision and strategy. Each encounter with the boss unveils layers of complexity, testing the resilience and coordination of every adventurer daring to brave its depths. Let's delve into a comprehensive breakdown of these mechanics, unraveling the intricacies and offering strategies for triumph in the face of adversity. 

Mechanic 1

Tanks will attract the attention of bosses, but it's worth noting that bosses deal significantly more damage than standard dungeon enemies. The boss will always stun the tank after firing four fireballs.

Therefore, if a team member has a Purge ability, such as a long-wheel user with Purge (excluding Nature's Blessing Purge), they can help the tank free itself and prepare for subsequent mechanics.

Without this support, the tank will take a heavy toll and unless it has more than 15,000 hit points, survival becomes precarious in every encounter.

Mechanic 2

The boss will unleash a pulsating punch. When you observe this pulsation, it is an indication that you can perform either a stationary block or a moving block.

It's worth noting that stationary blocking occurs when you remain stationary while blocking, while moving blocking is produced by pressing any d-pad while blocking. This distinction is valuable for subsequent mechanics. Finally start blocking after the pulsation stops.

Mechanic 3

You'll encounter diamond- or square-shaped purple thumps, and you'll need to move and block to dodge the attack.

It is worth noting that after performing a moving block or stationary block, please immediately carry out a retaliatory attack. If you don't do this, you may not be able to prevent subsequent attacks.

Moreover, if the tank loses aggro, the boss will launch a series of fierce attacks, leaving you with no choice but to block. In this case, failing to utilize a counter move may result in an unintentional counter move instead of a block, resulting in damage. Without at least 10,000 health points, survival becomes increasingly uncertain.

Throne and Liberty

Four Questions Now Facing Throne and Liberty

Mechanic 4

The boss will repeatedly activate a fixed block sequence during the fireball phase, which adds to the complexity of the encounter.

For the fourth mechanic, three fireballs will land randomly, and in order to influence their position, all players must position themselves near a vent. This doesn't require getting hit by the fireball, but rather standing nearby and ready to move away quickly when the fireball appears. This strategy is suitable for players with a reliable internet connection or proficient evasion skills.

Alternatively, a player with luck or low health can wait for the fireball to land and then deliberately run into it for a simple burning debuff. This debuff is crucial as it clears the vents, allowing the fifth mechanic to use the geyser. Failure to clear the vents will block the geyser's visibility and make it unusable even if chosen.

To clear the vent by burning the debuff, simply run over the flames, but be careful not to linger as the debuff lasts only a short time. Stay alert, though, as the boss will lash out again after the fireball phase and need to be prepared while clearing.

After the fireball phase, lizards will spawn. Players center the boss after the fireball to effectively eliminate the lizards with area-of-effect abilities, with the user's team healing mitigating damage.

After two heavy attacks, the boss will transform into a geyser. It's worth noting that after the second block, if the boss hits you, you'll suffer a movement speed debuff, making it difficult to reach the geyser if you survive. Therefore, avoiding collisions is crucial, as navigating to geysers at low movement speeds can be very difficult and may even be insurmountable.

Mechanic 5

Now, transitioning to the fifth mechanic: Geysers.

Players must approach a designated geyser that is spewing bubbles. To reiterate, failure to purify any selected geyser will render the vents inoperable, resulting in a game over. On the contrary, successful clearing will maintain the previous mode and return to the second stage of damage.

However, there is only one effective vent. Then, after two extra heavy attacks after the geyser stage, the boss will enter its most challenging stage.

Mechanic 6

The sixth mechanism introduces the rat phase, which proved to be the most challenging aspect due to its temporal complexity.

For North American players, lag issues may exacerbate the difficulty. Remember not to exit the designated circle prematurely, do not dig immediately to avoid being stunned, and do not rush to clean up to avoid being erased. Additionally, trying to dodge the sphere is futile, as being hit triggers a long-lasting fear effect.

The best strategy is to put some distance between the team members to discern the boss's target and ensure everyone can withstand the initial hit. The boss will launch a shockwave attack that deals varying amounts of damage based on the player's defense and inflicts a movement speed debuff for approximately 20 seconds.

After hitting all players, the boss will select a target rat. In order to successfully dodge, all players must remain above the ground. When the boss starts biting the first target, digging in time is crucial to avoid being consumed. Repeat this pattern until all nearby rats have been successfully dodged.

Once all rats are successfully avoided, the boss will be temporarily comatose, allowing players to go to the designated plant to clean up. This meticulous execution is the only means to overcome this mechanism.

As this phase is completed, the dungeon will cycle back to its initial mode, requiring the player to repeat the process. While the challenge is rewarding for some, it can be daunting for the average player, and may be tweaked in future updates to make it less difficult.


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